Known Problems

This website is freshly set up. We hope that everything works as it should.  If not, please let us know. However there are a few problems we cannot solve:

  • Safari bug: When clicking on the sound examples (e.g. S11.5) in the pdf documents, the browser should directly navigate to the anchor on the page. However due to a bug in the redirect logic this does not work in Safari. Instead the top of the webpage is loaded. We cannot fix this problem. Firefox works correctly here.
  • The media player should first use HTML5 and falls back to Flash only if HTML5 is not supported. However, for browsers with Flash-blockers this was reported not to work. The player works (both video and audio) on iPhone.  There may be some video codecs which do not play on every platform.

Please report other problems as you encounter them. If we cannot fix them, we’ll note them here. Thanks for your help.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: How to access the handbook as visually impaired user?
    A: Download the chapter pdfs (as the whole book pdf may cause problems with some screen reader software due to its size). Open the pdf with Adobe Reader where you can save it as text. The screen reader Jaws reads also directly from Adobe Reader if preferred. Please let us know if there are any helpful information to report to others.