Chapter 4: Perception, Cognition and Action in Auditory Displays

by John G. Neuhoff


This chapter covers auditory perception, cognition, and action in the context of auditory display and sonification. Perceptual dimensions such as pitch and loudness can have complex interactions, and cognitive processes such as memory and expectation can influence user interactions with auditory displays. These topics, as well as auditory imagery, embodied cognition, and the effects of musical expertise will be reviewed.

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Download the chapter: TheSonificationHandbook-chapter4 (PDF, 1M)

Media Examples

Example S4.1: McGurk Effect
This video shows the McGurk effect where synchronous lip movement can cause the sound perception to change even when the underlying sound signal is exactly the same.

media file S4.1

download: SHB-S4.1 (mp4, 5M)
source: The video is a quote (snippet) from a clip broadcasted by BBCTwo. The full video is available at