Chapter 6: Evaluation of Auditory Display

by Terri L. Bonebright and John H. Flowers


{insert chapter description here, 2-3 phrases}

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Download the chapter: TheSonificationHandbook-chapter6 (PDF, 1.2M)

Media Examples

Example S6.1: Weather Sonification of October 1999

media file S6.1
download: SHB-S6.1 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.2: Weather Sonification of August 1947

media file S6.2
download: SHB-S6.2 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.3: sonification of the dust bowl month of July 1936

media file S6.3
download: SHB-S6.3 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.4: Weather sonification of June 1947

media file S6.4
download: SHB-S6.4 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.5: Weather sonification of May 1996

media file S6.5
download: SHB-S6.5 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.6: Weather sonification of August 1960

media file S6.6
download: SHB-S6.6 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.7: Weather sonification of August 1940

media file S6.7
download: SHB-S6.7 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.8: Weather sonification of August 2000

media file S6.8
download: SHB-S6.8 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.9: Weather sonification of July 1934

media file S6.9
download: SHB-S6.9 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.10: Weather sonification of December 2000

media file S6.10
download: SHB-S6.10 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.11: Weather sonification of December 2001

media file S6.11
download: SHB-S6.11 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.12: Weather sonification of December 1999

media file S6.12
download: SHB-S6.12 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.13: Weather sonification of February 1974

media file S6.13
download: SHB-S6.13 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.14: Weather sonification of January 2001

media file S6.14
download: SHB-S6.14 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.15: Weather sonification of January 1940

media file S6.15
download: SHB-S6.15 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.16: Weather sonification of January 1974

media file S6.16
download: SHB-S6.16 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.17: Weather sonification of November 1940

media file S6.17
download: SHB-S6.17 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers

Example S6.18: Weather sonification of November 1985

media file S6.18
download: SHB-S6.18 (mp3, 330k)
source: created by John Flowers